Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Clothesline Fair

     My friend Jennifer and I went to the Clothesline Fair today. She pulled into the first parking lot she came to because we weren't sure if we could have parked closer. As it stood, we could have, and by the time we got to ther arts and craft tents, we wished we would have!
     I'm teling you right now, a quick way to lose weight is go to an arts and crafts fair on a hot (did I mention HOT, humid, sultry day! I think we probably sweated off 3 lbs. apiece! Not only was it HOT, it was dusty! I noticed the sweat running down between my boobs at one time and it looked like trickles of mud! I need to also mention that Jennifer and I aren't exactly thin, nor are we exactly young so as we traveled the giant circle of booths we huffed and we puffed, dripped and squinted. The hair-do that I'd so carefully styled this morning was flatter then a pancake with droplets of sweat playing on the ends of each curl. I thought of how pitiful I was going to look at church tomorrow and left myself a mental note to dream up some sad story.
    Jennifer and I have been friends since we were four years old. She and I got into so much trouble growing up I imagined my mom's in heaven telling us it's pay back time! After battleing strollers filled with crying babies, hot puppies on leashes, complaining husbands, fighting siblings,etc, etc. we decided we'd had enough and called it a day. We'd talked each other into buying a pair of sandals and since my feet were burnt up in my tennis shoes, I thought it was time for a changs. We decided to stop for Chinese food and by the time we got inside the restaurant, I had blisters on both feet! Now I was REALLY miserable.
    During lunch Jennifer said she thought we needed a pedicure. It had been a while for both of us so I agreed and off we went on another adventure. It was wooonnnddeeerrrfffuulll! Soothed my aching shoulders, not to mention my poor feet. We each got into one of those chairs that have rollers going up and down your back. It was heaven. It no longer mattered that the owners little girl was having a screaming  tantrum or that my husband was calling me on my cell phone. It was "Take me away calgon," time and I succumed to it all.
   There will be more posts about Jennifer and I and our escapades but for now frriends, its time for bed and my puppies are telling me to "get with it." Nighty night.

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